
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Best Dog Hair Removal Tips

Calling all dog lovers - does your furry friend shed all over your home? Do you find clumps of fur over your carpet and upholstery? If you know the feeling well, then you know it can be a nightmare keeping up with the mess (but not impossible). Here are a few friendly dog hair removal tips you can easily do even as you rush out the door.

Buy a lint roller
Many of you already have these. If not, then stop at your local grocery or pet store while you’re on the road. The adhesive is made for easy dust, pet hair, and dandruff removal. Sometimes we feel rushed in the process, but if you roll over your fabric in slow strokes, you’ll have better success at removing what your pet leaves behind.

Use velcro

If that doesn’t work, try a velcro pet hair removal tool such as the Evercare Magik Brush. This product has been around since the 50s. It works on most materials including cloth, upholstery, carpeting, drapes, and bedspreads. It is fully reusable without the need for refills. Plus, it’s easy to clean! Brush over your upholstery and carpets right before bed or first thing in the morning to keep up with your ever-shedding furry companion.

Vacuum regularly
For best results, use an upright vacuum cleaner regularly. It doesn’t have to be every day, but every few days is perfectly suitable for keeping pet hair and dander at bay. Because dogs tend to shed most in spring and fall, now is the perfect time to purchase a new vacuum if yours is out of service or isn’t getting the job done right!

Need a bigger cleaning? Contact the textile experts at Triple S. We have the high-quality tools and expertise to keep your carpets, upholstery, and draperies Clean, Fresh, & Bright! We also love pets just as much as we love cleaning!

Triple S is a family owned business with over 50 years of experience and have three main plant locations:

Stamford Plant | 400 West Main Street
Norwalk Plant | 337 Westport Avenue
Stratford Plant | 1800 Stratford Avenue

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