
Friday, January 6, 2017

Post-holiday Cleanup Tips

Cleaning up can be a tedious chore but, the longer you put it off the more daunting it will feel. Whether you plan on hosting more parties in the new year or you’re looking forward to as many quiet nights as possible, you’ll feel a lot better once your home is looking its best. With this guide of cleanup tactics, the process will be much smoother.

spot removal

- Create small goals. When you look at a cleanup process, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Try and relax by creating small objectives and goals and gradually it will all get done. It also helps to have small rewards. You finally took down all your outdoor decorations, now it’s time to treat yourself! 

- Organize your home. This is the time to cleanup and get rid of things you don’t need. Create a cleaning system for your home and you’ll find how easy it is to get everything back to its normal place after the holiday season.

- Banish carpet and furniture stains. Spilled a glass of wine? Dropped a holiday dessert? If you didn’t personally commit any of these party fouls, one of your guests might have. Don’t let these stains go unnoticed for too long. Follow our steps on how to remove stains from anywhere in your home.

- Give back to the community. Did you get new gifts for your kitchen or other rooms in your house? That’s great! But, you may not need two or three of those items. Either discard old ones or donate them to people in need in your community.

- Be thankful. Take a moment and be grateful for the beautiful holiday season. The time spent with family, friends, and loved ones, another new year, good health, and so forth. Let your post-holiday cleanup be a lesson of gratitude. 

Need a professional cleaning to help you move on from the holidays? Triple S offers carpet, upholstery, window treatment cleaning, and more! We are a family owned business with over 50 years of experience.

We have three main plant locations:

Stamford Plant | 400 West Main Street
Norwalk Plant | 337 Westport Avenue
Stratford Plant | 1800 Stratford Avenue

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