
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

How to Make Your Bedroom Feel More Cozy

If the fall weather makes you want to wrap yourself in blankets, you know it’s time to get your home ready for the cooler months ahead. Making a short list of decorating methods is all you need to make your bedroom feel more cozy and inviting. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Add dark colors.
If summer is all about whites, then fall and winter is about changing it up. Dark colors like chocolate, orange, and red will set the mood for chilly weather and remind you that there’s no place sweeter than your own home! Even if it means just swapping out those yellow pillows for red ones instead, you’ll feel a lot more comfortable.     

Switch up window treatments. Fold up those sheers and roll out those heavy drapes. The thicker the material, the warmer your bedroom will feel during those cold nights of strong winds and snowfall. And if you have thermal ones, that’s even better! 

Grow seasonal plants. During the harvest season, you may want to stick to herbs and marigolds. But when December rolls around, it’s all about dark greenery and poinsettias to get you in feeling festive. 

Throw on layers. You may be surprised how adding a faux fur throw can make a difference. When you throw layers over your feather down comforter and across your upholstered chair, it gives you a place to curl up and relax. Throwing down an extra rug or changing up your current one for some wool instead can make your bedroom feel more cozy too!

Don’t forget - a cozy home is also a clean one! If you’re about to cross “clean the house” off your do-to list this season, turn to the experts at Triple S! We have all the appropriate equipment to get your bedroom looking brand new again! We are a family owned business with over 50 years of experience. We have three main plant locations:

Stamford Plant | 400 West Main Street
Norwalk Plant | 337 Westport Avenue
Stratford Plant | 1800 Stratford Avenue

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