Budget. Make sure to buy the best rug you can afford. Saving up and spending just a little more money on a higher quality area rug, such as wool, can be worth it in the long run! The price range for a new rug is large, so it’s important to go into a store knowing how much you’re willing to spend.
Color & Pattern. A helpful tip is to choose your rug before buying furniture and painting. But what if the room is already furnished? If you find yourself in this scenario, consider balancing color and pattern within the space. Be sure to purchase a rug you will love for years to come.
Material. Select a rug that fits your lifestyle. Will your rug be placed in a high-traffic area? Do you have a dog that sheds often? Go with a durable, easy-to-clean area rug if either of these are the case. Bonus tip: Remember that dark colors and patterns do a good job of camouflaging dirt and stains.
Size. Your new rug purchase should fit the size of your current seating area. Leaving 6-10” extra on either side of the couch will help you prevent it from looking awkward and small. For the dining room, buy a rug that is large enough to fit your chairs when they’re pulled back.
Have you already found the perfect rug and need a deep cleaning? Triple S Carpet & Drapery Cleaners has three main plant locations:
Stamford Plant | 400 West Main Street
Norwalk Plant | 337 Westport Avenue
Stratford Plant | 1800 Stratford Avenue